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Catch sequence error in LabVIEW

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I execute Teststand sequences from my LabVIEW application. 

When an error occures in my sequence, I have the runtime error popup displayed asking to break, abort, terminate, etc...


I would like to catch this event and the associated error to log it with my LabVIEW application but I cannot find the callback associated with this event. 

I thought it would be the "ReportError" callback from Application Manager but it seems this one is not generated in this case?


I have also find the "DisplayCustomRuntimeError" callback which is called :


But I don't know to extract the associated error because it is not in the input parameters of this callback : 



Thank you for your help. 


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

I've never tried this myself so.... and I can't really read the screenshots attached due to their size / resolution...


The UI exmaples which ship with TestStand use the report error callback, so you might want to check, how it works for them. Maybe you can find a difference.


There is also a UiMessage being sent when an error occurs


    –(Value: 45) TestStand posts this message to the user interface to notify the user interface that the execution has encountered a run-time error. The user interface can alter the error, for example, by adding contextual information to the error message.


If it's only for logging purpose, this might also help.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Thank you for your quick answer. On my side, when I click on the screenshots, it maximizes the image and it is in high resolution.


I tried to use the simple example UI of Teststand and when I run my sequence with error, the ReportError callback is not generated either.


I tried the UIMsg callback and indeed I can detect the runtime error but I don't know how to extract the error info from there?




0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

The callback is given a SequenceContext (ctxt) parameter, and you should be able to use that to find the error information. Look at: RunState.Step.Result.Error.Msg



So you should be able to use the following pseudo code: 



Scott Richardson
Message 4 of 6
Accepted by LoisLbsUromems

Ok, I didn't find exactly how to do like you said but it inspired me to find a solution !

This is how I solved it : 



Message 5 of 6

Nice, I had totally forgotten about the SequenceContext.GetRunTimeErrorMessageEx(). Thanks for posting your solution.

Scott Richardson
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 6