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Can I exclude measurement (of multiple numeric limit test) from results ?

I'm working on test where instrument returns multiple results at one call.
I use NI MultipleNumericLimitTest -step type (TS 2.0.1).
In some cases I'd like to exclude certain measurement from the results.
I could do this for example by setting Comparison type of selected measurement to "No Comparison", so that this measurement is assumed to PASS always.

Is there any property flag or any other way to exclude measurement from the results completely ?
(So I don't want this measurement to affect on multiple limit test status or to appear in the report)

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Message 1 of 4
Yes, there is a property that you can set/reset that specifies whether the property appears in the report or not.
1. Right click on your multiple numeric step and select View Contents
2. From the tree view, browse to YourStep->Results->Measurement.
3. Right click Measurement and select properties.
4. Click the Advanced button and look for the PropFlags_IncludeInReport flag and uncheck it.

That's it, now your measurements will not appear in the report. If you want some of the measurements (but not all) to be included in the report, then browse to the specific measurement YourStep->Results->Measurement[i], and check the PropFlags_IncludeInReport flag for that property.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you need more information.

Message 2 of 4
Alternatively if you don't want any result at all (not even the status string or step's name) you could simply right-click the step in question and select 'Properties' from the menu. On the Run Options tab there is a check box for 'Record Results' that can be disabled.

Marcela's approach is the more cosmetic way to tackle the problem since you will still see names, times, and status but not measurements in your reports.

Elaine R.
National Instruments
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Message 3 of 4

For anyone (like me) looking to do this programmatically from the Multi Numeric Limit step itself, use the sequence context and invoke AsPropertyObject>>SetFlags.  The lookup string should be "Step.Result.Measurement[your_index_here]", and use the flag "PropFlags_IncludeInReport" to keep the measurement in the report or "PropFlags_DontCopyToResults" to exclude the measurement from the report.  You can also set the lookup string to "Step.Result.Measurement" to exclude all measurements in that step from the report.  Just be aware that, as mentioned above, even if you want no measurements in the report, you still need to publish at least one for TestStand not to throw a runtime error.  I'm not defining any tests in the sequence editor itself.  I publish them all programmatically, so in the case of no results to report, I just publish a single result with the "LOG" comparison option, but there's nothing in my report because of the PropFlag I set.

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Message 4 of 4