Effective August 31st, 2016 the NI Cloud Dashboard service will no longer be operating. This page is now closed to additional comments, but we will leave the NI Cloud Dashboard Service Discussion page active to capture any additional insights.
The NI Cloud Dashboard Service enables LabVIEW developers to write VIs that dynamically create and populate their own web-hosted dashboard. All programming is done in LabVIEW (no HTML, JavaScript, CSS, etc) and executed on the LabVIEW target, and the dashboard is immediately available through a web portal. You, and people you select, access the dashboard at any time from anywhere through a web browser.
NI is hosting this service on the cloud - all you have to do is create an NI Hosted Services account to gain and control access to the cloud dashboards you create and write the VIs that interact with the service.
Your NI Cloud Dashboard is controlled by the VI on your device, which creates and updates these features on its web portal:
Once you've created a dashboard you can use the portal to share it with other NI Cloud Dashboard users.
The NI Cloud Dashboard service is a research prototype and is not as robust as a supported web service. Please limit your use of the service to eight devices, and a maximum of eight data feeds per device. If you would like to conduct tests with larger numbers of devices and data feeds, please contact lvcloudoperations@ni.com in advance.
Over-use or abuse: If you generate too much activity NI will first request that you reduce your activity via the e-mail address associated with your NI Cloud Dashboard account ("your e-mail address"). If that fails, NI may terminate your devices or terminate your NI Cloud Dashboard account at its discretion.
Clean-up and Purging: NI will periodically scan the service for "stale" devices, meaning there has been no recent activity on the service or the portal from that device, and delete those devices. NI will attempt to notify you in advance via the e-mail address associated with your NI Cloud Dashboard account.
LabVIEW 2013 or later and a PC or NI hardware with an internet connection.
Please post any questions, comments, bug reports, or other feedback in the NI Cloud Dashboard Service Discussion.
The NI Cloud Dashboard Service is provided as an unsupported service. If you encounter a problem with this service, have usage tips to share, etc., please post to the general discussion forum for this service: NI Cloud Dashboard Service Discussion. Do not call National Instruments for support of this service.
The attached Code is provided As Is. It has not been tested or validated as a product, for use in a deployed application or system, or for use in hazardous environments. You assume all risks for use of the Code and use of the Code is subject to the Sample Code License Terms which can be found at http://ni.com/samplecodelicense.
Here's how you get your account created
Complete the following steps to log into your NI Cloud Dashboard:
The VIs you write will need a key to access your NI Cloud Dashboard service
The example demonstrates how your VIs interact with the NI Cloud Dashboard service.
These instructions can also be found on the NI Cloud Dashboard help docs online at: http://cdb-help.niwsc.com/ under "example"
Now that you have the Cloud Dashboard.vi example under your belt, and the VI palette installed in LabVIEW, start building your own dashboards. The documents at http://cdb-help.niwsc.com/ and in LabVIEW help explain how to use the VIs and what shows up in the dashboard.
The Cloud Dashboard VIP requires LabVIEW 2013 with SP1. If you only have LabVIEW 2013 installed without SP1, then the JKI VIPM will not allow you to install the Cloud Dashboard Add-on.
Also update the JKI VIPM to the latest version.
Thanks for this! I can't wait to try it.
I made a getting started video http://youtu.be/qix5BUyVyB4
tip: For those who are checking out these comments hoping to find out why the package won't install despite running LabVIEW 2013 SP1, simply update your VIPM to the latest version.
Thank you Theo_K for discovering and sharing this solution.
I'm just starting to integrate this feature into a project.
Is there any change to host a server of my own for the Cloud Dasboard?
I'm asking, because some of the data we would like to record is sensitive and it is only needed locally and should be stored locally.
Two more questions:
How is the data stored on the server ? A databsae ?
Is the device constantly polling for triggers or are they send to the device once a trigger is activated?
Thank you!
Kind regards
Niels Göran
We answered these questions on the discussion page: https://decibel.ni.com/content/thread/23761
Quick comment .... I installed clouddashboard in 2013 SP1 and 2014, but the example that ships with the package isn't working. triggers are ok, but the graph on the page isn't updating.
This is great
I have a doubt regarding this service Ease there any possible that i can import my google map in the cloud dashboard?
I have a doubt regarding this service Is there any possible way that i can import my google maps in to the cloud dashboard?
There is currently no way to import a google map into the cloud dashboard.
We had not considered the use of maps in the Cloud Dashboard service - it focuses more on the device and the data feeds produced by the device. However, we are very interested in hearing about desired features.
Can you describe in more detail how you would like to use maps in the dashboard?
Hello Chris / John,
I've tried to create a account for cloud dasboard but when I try to sign up i doesn't work.
Thank you for brining this to our attention. The issue should be resolved now.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
If you see further issues, you can send us an email at lvcloudoperations@ni.com.
Bill Hackett
LV Cloud Operations
hello guys am using labview 2012 version how can i get cloud dashboard.vi example
Hi, Goose:
The NI Cloud Dashboard Service is currently only supported for LabVIEW 2013 and later.
Are you just wanting to explore the NI Cloud Dashboard Service, or do you have a particular application in mind? If the latter, are you willing to share the details and scope? The more information and feature requests we get from potential customers, the more likely we'll extend the service.
Hello! Nice to meet you!
I am a master course student at Korea.
I want to learn a many LabVIEW skills.
Anyway have a nice day!
i installed labview 2013 how to install sp1 .where i can get the sp1 tool for cloud dash board
The link is at the end of this article. Or you can download it from https://decibel.ni.com/content/servlet/JiveServlet/download/38359-13-84471/national_instruments_lib_...
i have installed labview 2013 and also installed vi package manager
2013 but when am trying to install cloud dashboard is shows "the package is
not compatable with labview instaled on your computer..plese do suggest me
is it coud dash board is compatabe with labview 2013(64bit)???
hi every one ,i just installed the package and opened the exemple ,i did the some steps as u told ,i created a key and add it to u're project ,but when i run it ,the "current state" keeps changing between "clearing" and "aborting" ,and my project in the list of devices keeps appearing and vanishing,and there is nothing in events and triggers.please help me.where is the problem ???
The most likely cause is a key that doesn't have write permissions. I tried creating a key with only read permissions (which is the default setting) and got the same behavior you saw.
Go to http://cdb.niwsc.com/dashboard/#/keyService and check if your key has both read and write permissions. If it doesn't, you can edit it and your application should start working. You shouldn't have to download the key file again.
i checked ,the key has the both permissions and it's enabled ,but it's still the same problem,nothing in triggers and events.
@mouradGEII .. we will try to reproduce the issue and will let you know what might be happening.
@mouradGEII .. couple of quick questions
What is the version of labview you are using ?
What is the expiration date on the apikey ?
The expiration date is a date in the future, after that date the API key will stop working.
This might be good if you have an installation that should only work for one month. At the end of the month the API will automatically be invalidated.
For test the expiration date can be set to a year in the far future, such as Januray 1st, 2025.
i'm so sorry @Revath ,i was little busy these days .... i'm using LabView Windows 13.0 32 bits ,expiration date is 5th april 2015 12 AM ,i really hope u find the problem ,cause i want to use it in my controle/supervision mini-project
@mouradGEII .. the minimum requirement for the Cloud Dashboard VIP to work is LabVIEW 2013 with SP1.
yes i do have the sp1 ,it's just the frensh version
@mouradGEII .. We haven't been able to reproduce your issue here yet. Could you zip the folder with your example in it and post it here so we can see if there is some difference in the code we are running?
Marshall Smith