07-14-2014 12:44 PM
Welcome to the NI Cloud Dashboard Service research project. This thread is intended to foster discussion about the project, so please post any questions, comments, bug reports, and other relevant information here.
We would like to hear whether you think such a service would be useful, and what features you are interested in seeing, so please feel free to make suggestions as well.
John Hill, LabVIEW R&D - Cloud and Mobile
Jonah Paul, LabVIEW Product Manager
08-19-2014 11:38 AM
I accidently posted on https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-38359m instead of here... Sorry about that...
I'm just starting to integrate this feature into a project.
Is there any change to host a server of my own for the Cloud Dasboard?
I'm asking, because some of the data we would like to record is sensitive and it is only needed locally and should be stored locally.
Two more questions:
How is the data stored on the server ? A databsae ?
Is the device constantly polling for triggers or are they send to the device once a trigger is activated?
Thank you!
Kind regards
Niels Göran
08-19-2014 12:55 PM
Thanks for your questions.
We don't yet have a version of the server that you can install locally. Our current focus is to provide the NI Cloud Dashboard via a "software as a service" model - we host it ourselves so you don't have to. We do have "Run the server locally" identified as a potential future feature, though.
The data is stored very temporarily in the RDS service on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. Each new post of data on a channel clears the previous post, so there is no persistence of data. Also, when you delete your device or delete the channel all information about them is lost. What you see on the data feed graph is always the most recent data. If you want to store the data locally you can do that with the normal IO VIs in LabVIEW.
Currently, the device must poll each trigger at some frequency in order to detect the state change. It's almost always possible for a device inside your firewall to communicate with the cloud services via HTTP/HTTPS, but it often requires support from your IT department to open communication from our AWS cloud servers back to your device.
I hope that helps. Please feel free to keep asking questions or making feature requests!
08-20-2014 08:14 AM
thank you for your answer.
That clarifies the issues in question.
Feature requests:
- Add some kind data buffering (the last X values of data, free configurable, up to maybe a 100)
- I would move the adminsitrative features to the webpage instead of configuring everything from the device. (Fro example the positioning of the indicators and controls on the dashboard)
- Option to allow data logging to separate database server (system can be configured to forward received data to permanent storage on some server [database, csv-files, etc.]
One more question though:
What are the main differences between myRIO Web Messaging and the Cloud Dashboard?
From what I have read so far, the Cloud Dashboard include all Web Messaging features and offers even more ...
Is that correct?
Kind regards
Niels Göran
08-20-2014 10:33 AM
while I'm testing this system, I stumbled across a problem using it on the myRIO:
During deploying the VIs to the myRIO the systems encounters errors with (at least) the following VIs:
The error message (if you can call it that) is shown in the picture below:
The full source code is attached as well (except keys).
Is the Cloud dashboard fully usable on myRIO and what can I do get it working (or provide you with more info for the debugging) ?
Thanks !
Kind regards
Niels Göran
08-20-2014 10:41 AM
Great Ideas I added them to our feature request list.
The difference between myRIO Web Messaging and Cloud Dashboard:
Web Messaging for myRIO is a simple service for passing text messages between myRIOs and web clients. There are only two methods, read and write a string.
Cloud Dashboard is a full feature web application, which includes dynamic controls and data visualizations. It includes features for managing multiple projects, sharing dashboards, interacting with LabVIEW programs, visualizing the status of a deployed system, and viewing dashboards on mobile devices.
Cloud Dashboard can be used like Web Messaging by using only Events and a single security key.