07-20-2017 11:56 AM
Hi There,
I am Designing a Prototype RF Power amplifier as an internship project in college. im having a lot of trouble with connecting the small pads of a 16-lead PFQN package (pads are approx 0.2mm) to a larger trace. the trace needs to be larger to maintain characteristic impedance of 50 ohms. im trying to use the polygon tool to create a kind of triangle with the point connect to the pad and the wider base connect to the trace. i then click on the polygon and connect it to the net that i want to connect to. my problem is i get errors such as
"Warning: Polygon on layer "Copper Top" is invisible after voiding."
it just doesnt seem like the optimum way of making this kind of connection. i have attached a jpeg of what i have done so far. any help would be greatly appreciated.
Best Regards,
Conor Paxton
07-24-2017 04:44 AM
Hey conpax,
Admittedly PCB design isn't something I have a lot of experience but I thought I'd try and help out!
Have you checked out some of the resources available for similar packages to see if you can carry across the same theory?
PCB Design Guidelines for 0.4mm Package-On-Package
if not it might be worth possibg this question to a more electircal based forum like the one below. This includes trace calculators to use to work out optimum connections.
Hope this helps, let us know how you get on.