Multisim and Ultiboard

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ULN2804A Spice

Where can I get the Multisim model, or the SPICE data to make a model?
What is the world is the real story of what is going on with Multisim and Utiliboard?

I have been looking and looking. I wish I knew how to write spice files by hand. I found a site that sells software to make SPICE files, though it looks like it might be costly. Nothing is cheep when prices are omitted from any reference.

To Compound things I see that Multisim is undergoing some changes. I became familiar with the software as a Student in IEEE. But it seemed to be going through growing pains, having been just taken over by NI. Several years later I discovered BLUE, and this was great. A real vendor database, still pain to navigate but it was there, and growing.

Now that seems to have been dumped too, in favor of this toy that is posted online. It looks nice, but it's way more limited than the student version ever was. Looks great for education purposes, only.

Was fortunate that Blue did reactivate itself (161 days limited), and suddenly it lets me use the Parts Wizard? haven't been able to use that since college. Guessing this now on a trial mode thing with everything unlocked to promote purchase. Can't even look to see what the prices are right now thats been hidden too.

So I did find a old forum with a link to a ULN2003. But since the file is *.ms10 it wont open. I am shown a link to a page that cant be found in order to make the purchase. -Well one thing is for sure, the web version wont be making the cut any time soon.

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Message 1 of 3

Hi rflulling


I did not find the model for this component but one good option would be to get in contact with the manufacturer of the part and get more insight from them. They might have a database you can import or a Spice Model you can use.


This document might be of your interest in case they provide the spice model.




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Message 2 of 3

Astromaut, thank you.
 The link you provided while helpful to a new user does not help me. This is the default part wizard that is only available to Full license and Demo users. While it can generate a part, it does not generate SPICE data, this model must be provided externally. Sadly I am simply not advanced enough to understand how to write a SPICE model myself.
 No manufacturers have gone out of their way to offer a SPICE model. It looks as though there may be some working models in various archives but they require their own subscriptions and no data is accessible from the outside. The issue seems to be fairly common as I have found many requests across the web for models. -Not to be confused with CAD foot print data.

Still looking for a Spice file for a ULN2804A, or something that behaves the same as, 8 Channel Darlington NPN, with resistance up to 50V. Though I suppose 50V (high) is not a requirement and I would not mind to trade in the analogue behavior for a low voltage activation say 1.5V with threshold at 12V and operational tolerance 5.5v to 12V.

Additionally, found the a PartSim. Funny how it looks 100% identical to NI new online simulator that is most certainly not MultiSim in any way shape or form. Least now it makes sense. I like Multisim, I do not like PartSim or the skinned version set up for Ni.

Would be happy to talk to some reps about a few ways to make Flavors of Multisim that would be more profitable and make all of us happy that don't enjoy the new stuff the same as the old.

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Message 3 of 3