I am a person living in Turkey in the Anatolian geography. And our state pays us a salary of close to 12,000 TL. Hungry. But despite this, I am a retired citizen trying to do my job. I complain about not being able to get your software, and I think you've always made a pricing for companies. Although Enox is your supporter in Turkey, you need to be able to think of me and help me. Most likely, you have already made your Professional permanent license for more than 5500 euros. This is a price that I will not be able to obtain until I die, and nothing will improve in the Anatolian geography. At least I'll suggest something, and you try to do it. I am an individual who tries to do good to the poor like me and to make it easier for you. First of all, my first help is that you can make license agreements between 1 PC and 10 PCs. 2. Again, there is another very important element. That is that you can make a digital downloadable license. Because our state accrues three times as many taxes as us. You may not understand what it is, but that's the way it is. If you do these things, I think maybe we can breathe a sigh of relief. Thank you in advance. My name is Onur and my fake surname is Tauli. If you search for me, you have a chance to find me through these.