there are two issues which (can) decrease measurement-qualities.
1.) Range setting. the 6259 has a resolution of 16 bit. this resolution
is devided evenly through the whole range. that means, the larger the
range, the larger the error you are getting in result. if your range is
set to +- 10V, the error is around 0.3 mV. as you can see, the error is
about 0.1% of your signal which is quite huge, but not that big as you
are seeing...
2.) i asume your DMM is a hendheld device. therefore, the DMM does not
see any grounding issues. and that is, what i believe you are seeing.
if your signalource is already grounded in any way, you should never
use RSE. RSE is only usable with floating signalsources like batteries.
in fact, if your signalsources is grounded (as i believe), you are
lucky to see only an offset of around 80 mV. the offset can easily go
up to several 10V...... to solve that issue, please just check the
signal by connecting it differential and set the acquisition to the
apropriate configuration.
Norbert B.
- NI Germany
CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
Expert: Geometry
Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.