Hi Adam,
The FFT calculation requires the same number of cycles regardless of the exact content of the data (assuming there are no floating-point errors or exceptions). The code spends the bulk of its time in the FFT so that is where the problem is most obvious. The other processing steps are also slowed during the pathological condition. I can get the system to run if I remove or reduce the input processing step, but the same basic relationship still exists.
I have run tests where the data recorded during a "ungrounded input" condition was then run through my test harness, which feeds the data to the processing states using emulated calls to the NI-DAQmx C library. In this case, the computations take the expected, brief time. So it really seems to be something about the activity of the USB interface or drivers.
When I do my "loopback" test, I am connecting to a digital output, so I can only generate a limited class of signals. However, I did run with both our standard digital output (in the range 0.5-2 Hz) and a pseudorandom pulse sequence near the Nyquist frequency (about 2300 Hz average). Neither seems to affect the timing of the calculations, nor does simply tying the analog input to ground.
As I may have mentioned, the experiment requires that we have a fairly low latency, so the buffer size of the output is quite small, on the order of 500 samples. If I increase the buffer size, the performance improves but the increased latency is potentially unacceptable.So again, while I can't say I've ruled out every other possibility, the behavior is very consistent and it seems to point to some kind of heavy overhead from the USB drivers or subsystem.
Also, keep in mind that on at least one laptop, my personal machine, this problem simply can't be reproduced. So it seems unlikely to be inherent to our processing code.
There is no graphical display of any kind. This is a pure command-line program which just uses "fprintf" and other standard Windows I/O calls to log information.
The sample rate is 5000 Hz.