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stand - alone application for usb 6009

Hello everybody,
I'm currently facing the problem of creating stand -alone application for usb 6009 DAQ Card. My application works fine as a VI. I use NI DAQ mx Base to comunicate with a DAQ Card and my aplisation was developed in LabVIEW 7.1. I try to create aplication using " Build Aplication or shaerd libary" option and such an application and installer are created. In VI Settings I can see all sub VI that have to be included and added to an application but when I try to install this application on other computer installer's dialog window says that installation process has been comlplated succcessfully byt when I try to  run my application another dialog box says thay some VIs that perform comunication with a DAQ are missed and unavailable.
Could you tell me how to solve this problem, and where is a blank during application creation procces.
I have heard opinion that I should use NI DAQ mx Version 8.0 or something like that and convert all my VIs and then creating an application wiil be possible. On the other hand this same NI DAQ should have been installed on the computer where I attempt to install stand - alone application if I want to make my application runnig with no errors. I'm not quite sure whether or not such a conversion destroy  my program that work quite fine with NI DAQ mx BASE.
I really want to meet your opinion and I would appreciate any help,
With kind of regards
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

With 7.1, hardware drivers are not part of the installer you create when you build the LabVIEW exe. You can manually add the DAQmx installer to the build or separately provide the DAQmx installation that came with the device.

DAQmx Base has been replaced with the full DAQmx version on windows platforms. DAQmx contains quite a few more features but I'm not sure if all of the additional features apply to the 6009. The base functions are usually a simple replace I believe. For example, replace DAQmx Read base with DAQmx Read.

Message 2 of 5

Hi Johnie-

I'd like to expand on Dennis' suggestion to use NI-DAQmx rather than NI-DAQmx Base.  This utility will automatically update any existing VIs from NI-DAQmx Base to NI-DAQmx, and you will enjoy other NI-DAQmx features such as multi-threading, troubleshooting in Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX), the DAQ Assistant, and many more.

Tom W
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5


Thank you for advice.

 I did as  you had suggested, downloaded latest version Daqmx and other softweare that should made my programs' conversion possible but unfortunately when I attempt to launch new version MAX or Base2MX convert. vi I recive a message:  " Executable version (7.1.1) doesn't match resource file (7.1). Check your configuration."

 I have no idea what can cause this problem that make suggested solutions unpossible. This same message I recive when trying start build .exe application.

Does anyone have any idea what's going on?

Many regards,



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5
Hey Johnnie-
It sounds like the steps in this KB may be helpful to avoid the error you're seeing.  Let us know if it doesn't work out.
Tom W
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 5