Multifunction DAQ

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pda & compact flash

I need a wireless measurement of 20 channel at 1kHz each.
I have seen just now that there is a new product, the compact flash a/d card, but it has "only" 4 analog inputs.
Is it possible to use a custom multiplexer 20->1 with the mentioned card?
Can I syncronize the CF with an external clock?
Which models of (bluetooth or wi-fi)PDA are compatible with Labview 7 and the A/D CF?
Thank you
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Message 1 of 6

I think we need to know more about the application you are willing to implement.
As noted in this document about CF-6004 Sampling Rates, the maximum rate achievable strongly depends on the type of acquisition your are looking for.

Also, by looking at the CF-6004 User Manual you can see that there is no possibility for an external clocking source.

As far as PDAs are concerned, the specifications you should be looking for are related to the Operating System running on the PDA.
LabVIEW PDA Supports Windows Pocket PC 2003 (Mobile 2003 PocketPC) and Windows CE.NET 4.2, provided this has been built using the Standard SDK Package as shown in this KnowledgeBase

This is a FAQ on CF-6004

The other key parameter is the Processor on which the device is based. It must be an ARM based processor.

As far as the mux goes, chances are you would need to implement a way to control the external mux and on top of this, you also need to verify that the 20 KHz Sampling rate is achievable.


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6
thanks for the answer, my application is:
continuous acquisition of 16-20 analog channels SE 0-5V 1000-1200Hz each. Resampling (low pass filter at 60Hz) at 100-120Hz and wireless transmission via bluetooth connection to a desktop pc. I don't need to display the data on the pda.
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Message 3 of 6
I need your confirmation concerning the PXA255 processor from intel.
I have tried to seek the information from and which mentioned that PXA255 Intel Xscale is using ARM architecture

Quote from
the Intel PXA255 processor is a highly integrated, 32-bit RISC processor that combines the efficiency of Intel design with the ARM v.5TE instruction set architecture.

May you confim my conclusion that PXA255 procressor is ARM based processor ?

This question is related to application of CF-6004



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Message 4 of 6

What PDA is it?
What OS is it running. Right now, with LV PDA 8.0.1 NI has added support for Win Mobile 2005. Again, what you really should be looking after is the OS your PDA is equipped with.


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Message 5 of 6
The PDA is not unit that already available in the market. I want to develop the measurement system using module (PDA Engine) from, i.e. SOM-A2558. This module has Intel XScale PXA255 with Windows CE NET 4.2 as OS.
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Message 6 of 6