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nidaqmx General ansi c prgramming

Hello All,
I have a NIDAQmx general programming question for you.
I have done some programming with the traditional nidaq and I have tried the nidaqmx anis-c examples.  My question is if i am using 4 or 5 analog channels and 2 or 3 digital channels(ports) can i "configure" or create and start them at the start of my application, do all this other "stuff"  (i.e. processing serial messages, displaying, graphing). then go read one of the analog channels,   Do I create all of them and start them at the beginning of my application and just read the channels when I need them or do i have to create, start, read, and stop everytime i need a reading?
The examples that are included are very simple.  Where could I find more complex examples, ansi-c?  I have searched the website couldn't find much on ansi-c.
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Hi SallyA,

You can create and configure all of your tasks at the beginning of your application and then read the channels later in the program, but I wouldn't actually start the tasks until right before you want to take readings. 

As far as DAQmx ANSI C examples, there are quite a few on the website.  The best way to find them is to go to, click on the "NI Developer Zone" tab on the top of the page, then click on "Example Code".  From here you can search all of the example programs that are currently available.  I found a good selection by using the search terms "daqmx ansi c".

I hope this information is helpful to you.

Best regards,
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