07-18-2013 05:37 AM
Hey Guys,
I'm new at the cDAQ and would like to ask for some idea input how to solve my problems 🙂
The problem:
I have a cDAQ system where the user can put in some different modules (for now AI and Thermo), I don't know upfront where and how many of a specific kind he will put in.
My SW should handle all possibilities! So for now I check which module is in which slot, works great for now.
After this the user shall open a "config dialog" where he finds a menu like the DAQ examples, where you can change every option for each channel. Here I think I will just create a Listbox with each HW channel and let him select one by one and change the settings (also with a live chart, to see if the options are right). All the collected data in this "config dialog" will be stored in a FGV so if the user hits the start button I can config and start channel by channel with the upfront selected options.
On the main screen I also would create a listbox with the selected channels to give the possibility to add them to a live chart.
I would make 5 parallel while loop, as shown in the attached jpg.
Am I on the right way with my ideas? Or is there something I didn't mention yet?
08-01-2013 04:56 AM
One thought I have is that you don't really need an additional loop to display your data. You can fit it directly in your DAQ or Logging loop. But altogether this seems to be a good concept.
There isn't just one way of doing it.
Did you start your project yet?
I would love to see the status quo!