Multifunction DAQ

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cDAQ-9172 and NI9219 (AI) suitable for LVDT's?

I'm trying to use the cDAQ-9172 with the Analog Output 9263 to generate excitation voltage (10VDC) for the displacement transducer (Solartron DCR25) and the Analog Input 9219 to read the signal from the transducer but I'm not able to get any voltage readings from my transducer. Is this hardware combination suitable for displacement transducers or do I need some other modules? What could I be doing wrong if this hardware setup should be suitable?

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Message 1 of 6
No one knows?
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Is this the wrong forum or board?

I'm just curious if the NI9219 universal analog input is suitable for displacement transducers (LVDT)?
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Do I need the the NI SCXI-1540 for LVDT (displacement) measurement, or is there a module for the cDAQ-9172 that is able to do this job?
Message Edited by hibux on 03-25-2010 04:01 PM
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Message 4 of 6

Hello hibux,


Just saw this post and wanted to offer some assistance.  After a bit of digging, I believe I found the datasheet for your transducer here.  As you can see from our specifications document here, the NI 9263 can only drive 1mA current per channel max.  The transducer you are using requires 18mA.  I would not recommend the SCXI-1540 because it drives AC excitation.


All you need to do is purchase a DC power supply that will supply 18mA at 10VDC and use that to excite your transducer.  These should be available at most electronics stores.  



Paul C.

Message 5 of 6

When will an integrated LVDT module (with AC excitation and associated signal conditioning) be available?  I've been waiting years for this!

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Message 6 of 6