Multifunction DAQ

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USB-6501 DIO Push Pull Configuration

The USB-6501 User Manual explained that a DO may be either open drain with a weak pullup of 4.7k ohms or a push-pull output - software selectable. Using Measurement and Automation Explorer, I do not see a way to change this configuration. When I right-click on the device, the properties menu selection is grayed out. Is this correct?

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Are you using LabVIEW? You can control the DO output drive type with a property node. Can you try setting this like the picture shown? That is a DAQmx channel property node, Digital Output, Output Drive Type.


Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3

Active Outputs - I wish the Test Panel software would allow setting this parameter so I would not need to load the gobs of software that LabView needs to run. I wish that Active Outputs was documented - somewhere...

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