03-04-2014 10:08 AM
I have been having a lot of trouble installing my USB-6229. I installed it on a machine running windows XP and Labview 2010. Currently I am running DAQmx 9.6.2 and my USB-6229 shows up in the Devices and Interfaces tree. Previously, I had tried DAQmx 9.6.0 and 9.8.0 and my USB-6229 would not show up in the tree (but curiously would show up ion the control panel>system>hardware>device manager). After searching the posts, I found that 9.6.0 should work with XP and the USB-6229, and it seems that it does- the device at least shows up in the tree. However, when I go to run the test panels on the USB-6229, I get the error "The self test failed. -88302 An internal error occurred."
Any ideas?
03-05-2014 02:35 PM
Hi Mac,
Try uninstalling all versions of DAQmx and then reinstalling the version of DAQmx 9.6.0. That error usually is a result from a file or download corruption in DAQmx or Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX). It may also be a good idea to uninstall MAX before reinstalling the DAQmx.
03-07-2014 08:35 AM
Thanks, Noah. I tried your suggestion and did not have any luck. I even re-downloaded 9.6.0 and installed that version. Still having the same problem. Any other ideas?
03-11-2014 10:38 AM
Could you post a MAX technical report?
Here is a link that describes the process: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/271F252B4EF0A2E0862570E70056A1E4?OpenDocument
03-13-2014 08:33 AM - edited 03-13-2014 08:40 AM
I ended up swapping my CPU out and that seemed to have worked. On the new computer, I just installed LV 2010 with the drivers that came with the disc and now my USB-6229 shows up in the devices tree and I am able to access and test it. So I guess it was some problem with the OS or CPU not allowing a clean driver install for some reason. Thanks for your help.