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USB 6009 overflow error on continuous mode after restart of VI



I'm having trouble with a USB 6009 Daq card in Labview 2009 on a PC running Windows 7.  I'm receiving the error:


Error -200361 occurred at DAQmx Read (Analog 1D Wfm NChan NSamp).vi:3


Possible reason(s):
Onboard device memory overflow. Because of system and/or bus-bandwidth limitations, the driver could not read data from the device fast enough to keep up with the device throughput.
Reduce the sample rate, or reduce the number of programs your computer is executing concurrently.
Task Name: _unnamedTask<3>


Possible reason(s):
Onboard device memory overflow. Because of system and/or bus-bandwidth limitations, the driver could not read data from the device fast enough to keep up with the device throughput.
Reduce the sample rate, or reduce the number of programs your computer is executing concurrently.
Task Name: _unnamedTask<3>


I understand the nature of the error and have read the support documents regarding it (which have been linked in other posts), but believe this is not system performance issue as one initially suspects (I'm running a quad core machine using the most basic data acquisition  program one could write in Labview). I've attached two images which show the program I'm using with the settings I'm attempting to use, it is a LabView Express VI in a loop wired to a chart. 


The program runs fine the first time, then sometime between the second to fifth time restarting the program it immediately gives the above error message as soon as you start the program.  From that point on it always gives the message upon subsequent restarts until you unplug the device, at which point the whole process repeats itself.  


I've tested the device on another computer running LabView 8.5.1 and the error is reproduced there.  I've also tested the device on another computer running LabView 8.20 and the error does NOT seem to occur after subsequent restarts.  I've also tested another USB 6009 card on both of the computers that exhibit the error and I still get an error with that card, so I do not think that it is the hardware device.


I've attempted to reduce the acquisition rate to 46k and 20k (keeping the Samples to Read at 10% the rate) and the error still happens.


Any ideas?

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Message 1 of 69

Hello Danfromsb,


After reading your post, it seems that you have a USB-6009 that produces the -200361 on 3 computers which I have listed below:


1.) LabVIEW 2009, Windows 7 - produces the error after program runs a few times

2.) LabVIEW 8.5.1 - produces the error after program runs a few times

3.) LabVIEW 8.2 - don't reproduce the error


What is the difference between each computers? For example, what are their operating systems, versions of the DAQmx driver, etc? Have you tried to produce this error in test panels in Measurement and Automation Explorer? Do all the computers have USB 2.0 or later installed?

Jim St
National Instruments
RF Product Support Engineer
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Message 2 of 69

I'm beginning to think this may be a Window's 7 issue in conjunction with the DAQ card.  Here is more information on the respective computers:


1) Windows 7 32bit Quad Core, I now have LabView 2009. Latest DaqMx drivers (9.2)

2) Windows 7 32bit Laptop with Core i5 processor with 8.5.1 and DAQMX 8.9.5

3) Windows XP laptop, older core duo with LabView 8.2.1, Daqmx 8.3


I also found this older post after searching the forum some more:


The error is repeatable in Measurement and Automation Explorer.  All computers use USB 2.0.  For me, changing the USB port does not seem to address the issue.

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Message 3 of 69

Hello Danfromsb,


I escalated this issue to see if I could find any more information about this and I have a few questions to ask you about it. Do you have any other USB devices connected to the first two machines? The extra devices could be affecting the overall bandwidth of the USB channel.


At this point, I have tested it here with a USB-6009 on Windows 7 and I haven't been able to get it to fail like this. If there isn't any other USB devices in the computer, I will need some more information about the specifications for both machines machines computer make, how much RAM, etc. With this information I can talk with R&D to see what the problem could be.

Jim St
National Instruments
RF Product Support Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 69

Thanks Jim for working with me on this.


The Windows 7 laptop did not have any other usb devices plugged in, but it does have an internal webcam which could be wired to the usb bus internally (though it is always off).  This computer is a Dell Vostro Core i5 laptop with 4GB of ram.


The Windows 7 desktop does have other dvices plugged in, but they are not on and shouldn't be trying to communicate with the computer.  Later today I can try unplugging everything except the DAQ card and see what happens.


Both of these computers can run a USB 6211 without any problems.


The issue also may be related to how quickly you stop and restart the VI, if you wait a few minutes between subsequent restarts it does not occur as frequently.





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Message 5 of 69

Hello Danfromsb,


Thanks for the extra information. I will take this information to R&D to see if there is any more we can test. Could you try to upgrade the driver to see if this solves the issue? I know this will be something R&D would want us to test. I have provided the link to the latest driver for you to upgrade it.

Jim St
National Instruments
RF Product Support Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 69



I am having the exact same issue running on a Dell Vostro laptop with Windows 7 and was wondering if any progress had been made on this.  Please let me know if there has.




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Message 7 of 69

Hello Brian,


After consulting with and performing some testing, it seems this problem is a bus. Here are some things to test to narrow down this problem:


1.) How long is the USB cable you are using? If the USB cable is to long, it could cause problems with communication

2.) Is the USB 6009 in a noise environment? Since USB cables are industrial grade, any noise could caused the signal to be corrupted.

3.) Do you have the USB 6009 connected to a hub that connects to your computer? If so, this could cause similar issue as the noise environment.

4.) Have you reproduced the error in Test panels?

5.) Are you able to take single point acquistions (or software timed/On Demand)? Does this give you an error?

6.) Have you tried this device on another computer?

7.) Have you updated the driver? Updating the driver could fix these type of issues.

8.) For laptops, have you made sure that the laptop doesn't turn off the port to conserve energy? You can find this in the properties of the USB port in Device manager.


If you could answer these questions, we can get down to the bottom of this.

Jim St
National Instruments
RF Product Support Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 69

Hi Jim,


Thanks for the quick response.


1) The cable is 10 ft

2) When pumps and blowers are running it can be a high noise environment, however I have reproduced the error with essentially everything off

3) There is no hub connected to the computer

4) The error shows up in test panels using either finite or continuous sampling

5) The error does not appear to show up in test panels using on demand sampling

6) The device works properly in the same location with the same cable using an HP desktop

7) I updated the driver and the error is still occurring

😎 I have turned off the power saving feature ofthe USB ports and the error is still occurring


Let me know what you have come up with and how I should proceed.





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Message 9 of 69


I am very interested in the solution to this issue. I am having a very similar problem with a NI USB-6009 DAQ device. I am having the same symptoms of working for a while, then throwing an error, however, the error I am receiving a -200474.
I would like to add that once the error occurs, the only way to recover is to pull the USB cable on the USB6009 DAQ device. ie. a software reset does NOT work.
I did all my development on a Windows XP HP laptop and never seen the problem. Only when I deployed it to a Win7 desktop did I encounter the problem.

Steps to reproduce the error on a Win7 computer:
1) Open MAX
2) Select the "NI USB-6009" device
3) Open the test panel
4) Adjust the "MODE" to "Finite"
5) Adjust the "Samples to read" to 10
6) leave all other settings at default
7) press start between 5 and 5000 times. It is very intermittent.

NI-DAQmx Device Driver = 9.2.2f0
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit OS
Intel Core2 Duo CPU E7500 @ 2.93 GHz

1.) How long is the USB cable you are using? Less than 6 feet
2.) Is the USB 6009 in a noise environment?  Office environment. ie as "quite" as you can get it
3.) Do you have the USB 6009 connected to a hub that connects to your computer?  Repeatable with or without a hub.
4.) Have you reproduced the error in Test panels? Yes
5.) Are you able to take single point acquisitions (or software timed/On Demand)? Repeatable with <On Demand> setting
6.) Have you tried this device on another computer? Yes Xp Laptop does not have the problem
7.) Have you updated the driver? Yes. Using 9.2.2f0 which is the latest available atm
8.) For laptops, have you made sure that the laptop doesn't turn off the port to conserve energy? NA



Former Certified LabVIEW Developer (CLD)
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Message 10 of 69