With the PCI-6115, I need to input analog and digital data under control of an external timing pulse. Each time I receive a timing pulse I want to simultaneously sample two analog inputs and one 8-bit digital input port. After a fixed number of acquisitions, stop. The rate of external timing pulses should be up to 1 - 5 MHz. I am programming in Visual Basic using NI-DAQ v. 6.9.2 routines.
I will connect the external timing pulse to one of the PFI pins on the connector. My specific questions are:
-- what is the best sequence of NI-DAQ VB functions to set up the board for acquisition? I assume I will need DIG_Group_Config, DIG_Group_Mode,
DIG_Block_PG_Config, and DAQ_Config.
I need help
specifying the parameters correctly for external timing, for my PCI-6115 board.
-- what functions to arm the board for acquisition, in what order?
or SCAN_Start, DIG_Block_In?]
-- do I need Select_Signal to route the external timing pulse, if so to what signal should it be connected [ND_IN_START_TRIGGER, ND_IN_SCAN_START, or
Or, does one of the setup functions do this already?
-- what are the restrictions on the number of samples I can specify, e.g. is digital input restricted to a multiple of 16 and what about flushing the ADC pipeline?
-- anything else I need to take care of?
P. O'Connor, Brookhaven National Lab.