10-01-2023 11:11 AM
I am trying to acquire data from a SCXI-1000 (module SCXI-1100) using the python API, however I cannot find any relevant documentation or example.
I have some experience with nidaqmx-python.
Any suggestion is welcome.
10-01-2023 11:47 AM
Were you able to check if the SCXI-1000 is supported by your DAQmx driver? if it does, it is no different from using other DAQ modules in nidaqmx-python
10-02-2023 09:11 AM
The latest DAQmx version containing support for SCXI would be 19.0. Anything newer will not be able to access your SCXI hardware.
That said it may be actually still not trivial to use SCXI. At the time the Python interface for DAQmx was created, SCXI was already legacy hardware, so it is very unlikely that the Python API developer spend any time into implementing any SCXI specific functionality. It still should be possible to use it from Python, but you may have to do some extra handwork to define possibly missing enums or similar.