You can do this by chaining together TWO retriggerable pulse tasks. The first will be a helper, the second will be the one you have now.
The key to this approach is that a retriggerable pulse (or pulse train) does not re-arm to be sensitive to new triggers until it has run to completion after the previous trigger. So if you want to limit your trigger rate to be no more than once every, say, 2.0 seconds here's what you do.
Your helper task would be configured for the minimal possible low time, minimal initial delay and ~2.0 seconds high time. It will be retriggered off whatever your external trigger signal is now.
Your main task will trigger off the output of the helper counter, which is delayed by a minimal amount from the external signal (can be < 1 microsec). But the helper can't be triggered any more often than every 2 seconds, thus your main counter won't trigger and fire more often either.
-Kevin P
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