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RTSI Lines

Hi everyone

Finally I understood RTSI lines (or at least I think so).
I am using a PXI Chassis with 3 PXI Cards (5122, 6120, 6250)..

I want to start a measurement when a certain condition is met. I want to measure with all three cards at once. Therefore I thought of using RTSI Trigger Lines.

I added a NIScope Export Signal VI and selected PXI Trigger Line 0 / RTSI 0 as output terminal. Now, when I want to use this signal as Trigger Input for the DAQmx devices (DAQmx Start Trigger Digital Edge) and when I add a constat to the source terminal, I get a quite long list.

What confuses me is, that each card has its own RTSI Lines. I get: /5122/PXI_Trig0, /5122/PXI_Trig1, ... and for the 6120 I get as well: /6120/PXI_Trig0, /6120/PXI_Trig1, .... AND I also get /5122/PXI_Trig0, ...

Now I was wondering if /5122/PXI_Trig0 is the same as "PXI Trigger Line 0/RTSI 0" which I can choose in the Export Signal VI and why do I see all those lines, if they all belong to all cards?

I hope you know what I mean

Thanks in advance

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Message 1 of 6
Yes, these are the same. Depending on the used driver, the RTSI/PXI Trigger lines are named differently, but RTSI0 is the same as PXI-Trigger 0. This is described here:
Hope this helps!
Message 2 of 6
Ah - a response from a blue name - I think I can trust that 🙂

Thank you, that's what I've found out experimentally but wanted to hear still from someone who really knows 🙂
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Message 3 of 6
While the PXI_Trig0 terminal on one device in a PXI chassis is usually connected to the PXI_Trig0 terminals on the other devices in the PXI chassis, this is not always the case. For example, the 18-slot PXI chassis has multiple segments and needs to be programmed when routing from one segment to another. NI-DAQmx handles this automatically if you specify the terminal to which you exported the signal. In your application, you should choose "/5122/PXI_Trig0" as the terminal for the Trigger Input for the DAQmx Start Trigger Digital Edge VI.

Geoff Schmit
Huskie Robotics, FIRST Team 3061 Lead Mentor
Message 4 of 6

Message Edited by Somnatic on 07-21-2006 04:43 PM

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Message 5 of 6
Thank you gcs. Now I understand why it makes sense to name them differently 🙂

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Message 6 of 6