I'm using a USB-6009 for data acquisiton and wanted to process the data with matlab R2010a. I downloaded the NI-DAQmx tools and started using the functions. Im able to see the signal in the Acquisition Chart, but I get an error message in MATLAB and Im not able to retrieve the acquired data. The message that I get from MATLAB is:
Warning: LabVIEW MEX-File Error - Parameter 1: Failed to load some MEX-function DLLs
installed by The MathWorks, Inc. MATLAB(R). These DLLs include libmx.dll and
libmex.dll. They should be installed when MATLAB(R) is installed. Make sure they are
in the system's path.
Im attaching a printscreen of what I get. In PS1 Im starting the measurements. In PS2 I quit the acquisition and then I get the warning message and as you can see, Im not able to retrieve the data. Does anyone knows if this issue has been solved previously or know the cause of it? Any suggestions or comments also would be appreciated! Thanks!