Multifunction DAQ

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Picking The right DAQ and connecting to LabView


I have a project where I am trying to log water pressure for a given amount of time for roughly 36 different locations. I was given four USB-6501 digital I/Os but from everything I have found on it I don't believe these will work. Could someone point me in the direction of a device that could potentially work?


I have also been trying to develop a program in labview and DAQexpress to do this but neither want to recognize any of the 6501s ports even after using the Measurement and Automation Explorer to get a few set up. I just mostly want to see if my program works. What I have done is hooked up a switch between P0.0 and ground and am trying to log the number of times it opens and closes in a certain amount of time with a time and date stamp just to see if the program works correctly in that sense.


Any and all recommendations are welcome, and thank you in advance. 

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It is sounding like you actually want a counter input task.  The USB-6501 does have 1 counter available by using P2.7.  It can count the falling edges.

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