Multifunction DAQ

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No daq assistant visible

Hello, I am trying to use the daq assistant in labview 8.2.1.  I have installed the DAQ-mx software that came with my daq 6008 board but no assistant apears in the "Express" menu.  I have previously made this work before our computers were reimaged but don't understand why this installation is giving me problems.  I can run Labview Signal Express fine.  It brings up a DAQ assistant but in Labview it does not appear.


Is there some sequence of installing the DAQ-mx software before the labview drivers? 


Thanks for any help. 

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Did you install DAQmx after LabVIEW?  Do you have any other versions of LabVIEW on this computer? 


Are there any of the other DAQmx VIs present in your pallatte? (Functions Pallatte>Measurement I/O>DAQmx)  What about using search to find any of the VIs?


Is DAQmx listed under Software in Measurement and Automation Explorer?

Jason Daming
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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