Your most recent post talks about triggering the AI capture from the falling edge of the counter output. There are several problems with such an approach.
1. Your timing diagram shows signs of being overconstrained. The time needed to acquire 1 kSamp at 200 kHz consumes every nanosecond of the time between 200 Hz counter falling edges, leaving no time to rearm the trigger circuitry for the next falling edge.
2. Also, it ends up being a moot point anyway since the 6210 doesn't support AI retriggering (as far as I know).
3. There's a workaround where you'd use your counters to generate a retriggerable finite pulse train that AI could use for a sample clock, but that would consume both your counters.
I'm not saying there's NO path forward, but I can't think of a particularly easy one. Perhaps you can talk through the signal and timing functionality and requirements to help indicate where there's a little room for compromise?
On the OTHER hand, approaching it more like I talked about in msg #5 should work out fairly easily. Here are the changes you'd need to make to the code in the latest screencap:
4. REMOVE your "CO Pulse Freq" function call and replace it with the "CO Pulse Ticks" function call, along with inputs wired in.
5. Change the Ticks value to 500 each for High, Low, Initial Delay. That will set the CO output freq to be 1/1000 of the AI sample clock rate.
6. Use dataflow to make sure this CO Pulse Ticks task is started *before* you start the AI task. Your error wire can help make this happen.
There may be a few more little touch-up things, but that ought to at least get you pretty close.
-Kevin P
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