Multifunction DAQ

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Multifunction NI-USB 6210 vs Isolated Multifunction NI USB-6218

Hi, we have both NI-USB 6210 and NI-USB 6218. We are mainly using the 6218 but we need to lend out either of the 2, I'd like to know if there would be much difference in performance between the two? I already looked at the specs and aside from difference in port selection, one thing I notices is the printed "Isolated Multifunction" in NI USB-6218 and only "Multifunction" in the 6210. Port selection is not an issue and since all the other parameters are basically the same for the two, I would like to know if an isolated would be much different from non-isolated multifunction daq.


P.S. I'm not really an electronics major but I do use these devices quite frequently so if you could explain it simpler it would be better. thanks in advance.

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Message 1 of 3

Hello gedai,


As you said, the main diffrence is the isolation between the two. And that is because the 6218 has a higher level of channel to channel and channel to earth isolation than the 6210, this information can be found in the respective specification sheet for each device (pg11-12 for the 6218, and pg9 for the 6210) 


I'm attaching a screenshot comparison of both datasheet




Sebastián Ramírez





Message 2 of 3

Correct me if I'm wrong, so this higher level of channel-to-channel and channel-to-earth isolation of the 6218 vs the 6210 mean less noise on the data acquisition system? is there any other implication of this?


My goal is to determine whether the 6210 would be a viable alternative to the 6218 in recording impact as well as data to be used mainly for spectrum analysis where amplitude does not matter much than the frequency content of the signal. (The signals would still be passed through a band-pass filter). Do you think it is a viable alternative?

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Message 3 of 3