Multifunction DAQ

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Measuring the phase difference of an analog input and output signal using a USB-6211 DAQ and Python 3.5



I am working on a project where I need to measure the phase difference of an input signal relative to an output signal along with the amplitude of the input signal. I am using a USB-6211 DAQ  and am communicating with it through Python 3.5 (on Win64) where I am using PyDAQmx. The idea is that I will loop though frequencies of signals I send to my system and read back a signal of the same frequency but the phase of the read signal will change relative to my written (output) signal as I change frequency. With some processing I would then pull out the phase difference.


I am developing the code now and have run into an issue with an initial test. I am generating an output square wave and inputting it into the DAQ on a read pin and trying to read the flats of the signal. I have been unsuccessful so far. I believe my issue is with the timing of tasks starting and closing (my two tasks being a read and write). Below is a snippet of my code where I believe the issue lies and my whole code is attached in a zip folder.


# code above that does not deal with the creation of tasks or DAQmx communication
            top = 2
            bottom = 1
            write_temp = [top, bottom]
            for x in range(0, 4):
            write_temp = [float(i) for i in write_temp]
            write_temp = np.array(write_temp)
            read_num_vals = 120
            read_vector_storage = np.array([float(3 * i) for i in range(0, read_num_vals)])
            samples_per_channel_read = ctypes.c_int(0)

            # Tasks
            # Create tasks that read and write voltages
            task_write_v_in_ac = Task()
            task_write_v_in_ac.CreateAOVoltageChan("Dev1/ao0", "", -10.0, 10.0, PyDAQmx.DAQmx_Val_Volts, None)
            task_write_v_in_ac.CfgSampClkTiming(None, 1, PyDAQmx.DAQmx_Val_Rising,
                                                PyDAQmx.DAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps, 10)
            samples_per_channel_written = ctypes.c_int(0)  # Place holder for a single number that shows samples written
            task_write_v_in_ac.WriteAnalogF64(10, 0, 0, PyDAQmx.DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel,
                                              write_temp, byref(samples_per_channel_written), None)

            task_read_v_in_ac = Task()
            task_read_v_in_ac.CreateAIVoltageChan("Dev1/ai0", "", PyDAQmx.DAQmx_Val_RSE, -10.0, 10.0,
                                                  PyDAQmx.DAQmx_Val_Volts, None)
            task_read_v_in_ac.CfgSampClkTiming(None, 6, PyDAQmx.DAQmx_Val_Rising,
                                                PyDAQmx.DAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps, read_num_vals)

            task_read_v_in_ac.ReadAnalogF64(read_num_vals, 30, PyDAQmx.DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel, read_vector_storage,
                                            read_num_vals, byref(samples_per_channel_read), None)
            t0 = time.clock()
            t1 = time.clock()
            print("read start took " + str(t1 - t0) + " s")

            t2 = time.clock()
            print("write start took " + str(t2 - t1) + " s")

            t3 = time.clock()
            print("write wait took " + str(t3 - t2) + " s")

            t4 = time.clock()
            print("write stop took " + str(t4 - t3) + " s")

            t5 = time.clock()
            print("read wait took " + str(t5 - t4) + " s")

            t6 = time.clock()
            print("read stop took " + str(t6 - t5) + " s")

            t7 = time.clock()
            print("read prints took " + str(t7 -t6) + " s")

Looking at the print outputs I get in my console:

read start took 0.014864053832196735 s
write start took 0.010374004568873515 s
write wait took 9.034804022749778 s
write stop took 0.00345286878108908 s
read wait took 10.784182502702937 s
read stop took 0.008181223916963631 s
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read prints took 0.004617634561245865 s

What I was expecting from this output was for some of the numbers in the list to be ~2 and the rest to be ~1. Instead they are all ~1.


Let me know if you need anymore information and any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Unfortunately, PyDAQmx is not a National Instruments tool and since you have had no replies, it seems not to be widely used (I could be wrong there, I am just unfamiliar with it). The PyDAQmx site actually mentions providing feedback and bug reports to Pierre Cladé, but I don't know if he supports the tool actively.


The official National Instruments python tools and the NI-DAQmx Python documentation can be found in the links below.


NI Python and Resources

NI-DAQmx Python Documentation

NI-DAQmx Python Source


Hope it helps.



Camilo V.
National Instruments
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