07-25-2013 05:11 AM
I was using DAQCard -700 to measure some parameters of circuit breakers (such as response time, resistance...) via Visual Basic 6.0 and MS Access (to store data from measurement). Now I have a new DAQ device - NI USB 6212. I would like to use Visual Studio 2010 (Visual Basic .NET 4.0). I tried some examples from the istallation DVD (c:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\Examples\DotNET4.0\) but I have some issues with references. There is an error: missing reference NationalInstruments.Common.dll version I have tried to add this reference, but there are only other versions, not this specific. Therefore I am not able to debug. How can I get this version and run these examples and other? Is there any way to use my old apps in VB 6.0 for my new DAQ device, which supports only VB .NET?
Thanks for any advice.
07-31-2013 02:00 AM
Hi Jano,
The driver itself is backwards compatible. However, the API is not backwards compatible. When you build the .NET project, it is built against a particular version of the DAQmx .NET assembly, and must reference that exact version at runtime. This means that even though the end user has 9.4.40.xxx driver installed, if their application (or given example) was built with, then it will not run. The driver can be 9.4 and they can have the 9.4 assembly in the GAC, but they will need the 9.3 assembly in the application directory or path. This is actually how all NI assemblies work with the exception of NationalInstruments.Common.dll. In the case of Common, there is a file called a policy file that redirects to the newer version and handles the conversion. NI made a deliberate decision to only create policy files for Common.
btw you have pretty unique hw/sw configuration that reminds me one of my customer whose service request I recently closed. This look like an issue for longer discussion. So feel free to contact local technical support.