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Linux Mxssvr service down

Hi there,


Here is my problem :


Background : NiDAQmx 8.0 on RHEL5 (even if I know that this distrib is not officially supported). Our application is developped in C language. Our board are 6254 and 6259 M devices

The aim of our application is to acquired data in a continuous way (our application is based on ContAcq-IntClk sample).

Sometimes, we stop and restart the application (for example to take in account a new configuration), but it's aimed to run nonstop..


I have noticed that each 20days / 30days our application fail to start (after stopping to change the configuration for example).

If I run nilsdev it return nothing.


After investigation I see that the mxssvr service stopped runnning.

If I restart it (/etc/init.d/mxssvr start), everythings goes well : I can restart my application and nilsdev return correct informations.


Someone has an idea on the reason why mxssvr stopped ?  


One more information : I had no network modification type static => dynamic (I saw a post about it). 

Also I have modified my /etc/cron.daily/tmpwatch in order to not delete /tmp/nipal to avoid kernel panic (I saw a KB about it)


Thanks for any ideas 





0 Kudos
Message 1 of 12

Nobody has any ideas on the subject ?

Nobody has note the same behaviour ?


One more little information : I've noticed that the mxssvr service goes down 24D and 20H (approximatively)  after being started.


Thank you in advance for any ideas ...

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 12

One interesting observation:


2147483648 (2^31) ms == 24 days, 20 hours, 31 minutes, 23 seconds.

Brandon Streiff ·
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 12

Good analysis ...


But I haven't the sources of mxssvr to search in this way !!


One (maybe) interesting point :

the NISSPALSharedDataSegment (can be found in /tmp/nipal) has update it mtime with (approximately) the date and time of the "crash" of mxssvr service.




0 Kudos
Message 4 of 12

The NISSPALSharedDataSegment is just a space to share data across processes that use nipal (i.e., pretty much every piece of NI software). I'm not sure that the mtime being the time of the crash has any significance above 'it was at this time that we stopped writing to it, because we crashed.'


Unfortunately, I've not had the opportunity to work with the Linux port of DAQmx, so I'm mostly grasping at straws here. I did, however, file Corrective Action Request #247237  with the group that maintains mxssvr to make sure they're aware of the issue so they can evaluate it.

Brandon Streiff ·
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 12

Thanks for your help ... every help is precious !!


For my part, I think I will try with a suse or mandriva distro ... just to see ...

But I'm a bit lazy to try this ... 'cause I need to wait for ... 1 month to check the result !



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Message 6 of 12