I have been trying to use my PCI 6221 with (DAQmx 8.01) with the changedetect feature on my digital IO. I have 2 questions.
1. Is it required to configure change detection timing in order to use the changedetect ?
2. I have tried to use som examples provided by National. But either I am doing something wrong or simply expecting something else than
intended. Sometimes lines not toggled is detected as toggled and sometimes the program simply didn't detect a line that changed
For my first question. I all the examples I have seen the method is the same
1. Create channel
2. Configure change detection timing
3. Add digital change detection event handler
Is it really required to configure change detection timing too or can I skip it. I only need to detect the change?
myTask.Timing.ConfigureChangeDetection(risingEdgeLinesComboBox.Text,fallingEdgeLinesComboBox.Text,SampleQuantityMode.ContinuousSamples, 1000);
And for my second question:
Random detection was observed.
My method was:
I used these to examples:
C:\Program Files\National Instruments\MeasurementStudioVS2003\DotNET\Examples\DAQmx\Digital\Read\Values\ReadDigChan_ChangeDetection_Events
C:\Program Files\National Instruments\MeasurementStudioVS2003\DotNET\Examples\DAQmx\Digital\Generate Values\WriteDigChan
I wired Port0/line0:5 to Port2/line0:5. And used Port0 as an input and port2 as an outputport. The readport was first configured to react on both rising and falling edge and later line0:5 rising and line6:7as falling. Then I tried to count binaray from 000 to 111 using only line 0:2. At around line0:2="100" the reciever UI started to react. But suddently also line4 that I hadn't been touching this line. I was able to do this many times with the same strange result. Sometimes data was not latch and sometimes it were. Then I applied only rising on the lines0:5. and falling on line6:7 But it just goteven worse and finally I got a - 200088 error. Please can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?