06-13-2006 09:21 AM
How Do I Distribute a .NET Application that Contains Measurement Studio Controls?
06-14-2006 02:20 AM
06-14-2006 02:47 AM
Hi Morini
It is exactly the same problem! The error message is also exactly the same. I have also tried to include the CWUI_OCX.msm. I have attached a screen dump of the solution explorer.
It is actually easier for you to get the "testproject" in another way. Because this was an attempt to make a "hello World" on the real board I chose an application I was sure of would not give me any trouble (or so I thought 🙂 ) So I used one of Nationals own. It is placed here if you have access to a machine with MS8.0 or later.
C:\Program Files\National Instruments\MeasurementStudioVS2003\DotNET\Examples\DAQmx\Digital\Generate Values\WriteDigChan\Cs
By the way I use MS8.0 to build the project.
06-14-2006 04:17 AM
06-14-2006 04:35 AM
Hi I don't have the same MAX
the build version is on the machine I build the software on and the version on the machine i try to run it on is
There is also another difference. On the machine where the build was made I was using a simulated board. On the other I am using the real board. But this shouldn't be the problem.
If the first thing is the problem is an easy way to "pack" the right dependency into the other code or is it better that I "upgrade" to the right MAX version?
06-14-2006 07:24 AM
06-16-2006 10:22 AM
Hi Dennis
It seems that the Daqmx driver or MAX version could have caused the trouble. I first installed VS2003, then MS8. That didn't help either. when I ran the application I got an System.IO.Fileloadexception error.
I also had a problem with missing daqmx in visualstudio after installing MS 8 this disappeard when I installed the driver that was shipped with the MS8 package.
When the (MAX,daqmx and MS8) where the same I could build a project on one computer and run it on another without any problems.
So I think it would work if MAX and Daqmx are the same on both machines.
06-20-2006 04:07 AM
Hi Pia,
Yes you are right about your will need at least the same DAQmx version on both computer to get it running.