I try to make a reinstallation of the DAQmx 8.5 software. In some differents posts I founded a link to the softwaretool "msiBlast.exe" with which you can delete all NI-Installer "clearly". With the tool I have deleted all old installer except the following two parts:
1.) NI-DAQmx MAX Support 1.8.0
During the uninstall proccess I´ve got this message
"Internal Error 2753. nidevmon.exe.nidaqmxprovider"
"Error 1603" occurred when try to uninstall NI-DAQmx MAX Support 1.8.0"
2.) NI-488.2.2.40
During the uninstall proccess I´ve got this message
"Internal Error 2356. Cabs.m16"
"Error 1603" occurred when try to uninstall NI-488.2.2.40"
These two parts I can´t delete. After the reinstallation I started the "measurement & automation explorer" and I didn`t found the entry "devices and interfaces" in the configuration explorer. Furthermore I can´t use my programmed softwaremoduls to access the hardware.
I think that the
unsuccessful uninstall process is the reason for this problem.
Have you any conclusion? What can I do?
thanks and regards