06-20-2006 05:22 PM
06-21-2006 06:39 PM
Good afternoon haiping,
Thanks for contacting National Instruments with your issue, we'll try our best to resolve it for you as quickly and efficiently as possible.
If you open up Measurement and Automation Explorer (you can find it under Start > Programs > National Instruments) and then expand Devices and Interfaces and then DAQmx Devices, your PCI-4461 should appear with a green card icon beside it.
The card can also be seen by going to Start > Settings > Control Panel > System and selecting the Device Manager tab. There should be a Data Acquisition Devices option with your PCI-4461 within.
If not, the first course of action I would recommend would be to update your drivers to the most current version of NI-DAQmx. It can be found here: http://digital.ni.com/softlib.nsf/websearch/D31D46FFFB745ECA862571490053EAB8?opendocument&node=13206...
If you already are running DAQmx 8.1, another thing to try would be to repair your driver by going to Add/Remove Programs and selecting National Instruments Software. Locate NI-DAQmx 8.1 in the window and select to repair the driver.
Please let me know if this fixes your issue.
Minh Tran
Applications Engineer
National Instruments