04-05-2018 08:09 AM
When configuring an AIVoltage on a PXIe-6358 using a polynomial scale of order 3, I get the following error:
Error #-200537 Property Node DAQmx Channel (arg 1) in AIGroup.lvclass:SetBuffer.vi:7370001->AIGroup.lvclass:SetPropperties.vi:1130001-
>Board.lvclass:CreateTask.vi:40002->DAQgn_Main.vi:7220001->GENERIC_Main.vi->Generic config.vi->Daqmx_Configure All tasks.vi->RT task.vi->Main.vi <append> <B>Property: </B>AI.Min <B>Requested Value: </B>-96.383560 <B>Possible Values: </B>-96.393560 to 90.025105 <B>Scale Name: </B>PXI1Slot5_PXI1Slot5_ai0_Scale <B>Channel Name: </B>PXI1Slot5_ai0 <B>Task Name: </B>PXI1Slot5_A
scale = 0.522355377797965 + 10.0774426677173 * x - 0.0370658257511309 * x^2 - 0.00756509423297235 * x^3
elec range = -10 to 10
output range = -96.3835596415157 to 90.0151052468855
when using an output range = -96.2935596415157 to 89.9251052468855 it works
Please can someone explain what is the rule? or how can I bypass that issue?
04-05-2018 08:42 AM
Looks like you have a floating point rounding issue. Where are you coming up with the range you are putting into the DAQmx Create Virtual Channel? Supplying some code would help the debugging process.
04-05-2018 09:48 AM
The rounding issue is not on my side, because the error message says: -96.383560 is not in the range -96.393560 to 90.025105, that is wrong.
An extract of the code is not possible because it's part of a very large S/W, and it would take a lot of time to build an usable and representative test program.
The solution we certainly will use is to leave the AI.Min and AI.Max properties unset.To be checked ASAP.