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Creating a waveform on a USB-6009 under Signal Express



I am trying to generate a sine wave on USB-6009 running on SignalExpress LE.


No problem generating DC but as soon as I add a create waveform step there are errors. I can see that generate waveform step is trying to output the correct signal from its display.


Does anyone have a simple example on how to do this. Or is SignalExpress LE and the 6009 not capable of this function?





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As you can read from the specs, the 6009 is simply not capable of generating a waveform since it is software timed. This has been discussed numerous times. You can only write one point at a time in a loop. I have no idea if SignalExpress can do this. Post your problem to that board. If it can be done, it will be at a low frequency with considerable jitter.
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