03-06-2015 11:45 AM
03-06-2015 12:08 PM
Looks like you got cut off in your posting.
It sounds like you are not reading the data enough. You need to continuously use the DAQmx Read to keep the buffer clean and process the data as it comes in. If you need all data points in the graph, then you need to use Append Waveform or Build Array to keep all of the values in a shift register.
If you can share your code, that would help us figure out where you are falling short.
03-06-2015 12:36 PM
thank you for answer,
code with the excel file :
03-06-2015 01:15 PM
The problem with file IO is that it can get really slow. Personally, I would just use the logging capability in the DAQ Assistant to stream the data to a TDMS file. This bypasses a lot that your Write To Measurment File must go through. So all you need to do is configure that logging capability, read the data, and put it into the chart. No need for the Write To Measurement File.
On a side note, there is an input the the DAQ Assistant called Stop (F). You should wire your stop button to that and use the Stopped output of the DAQ Assistant to the loop terminator. This will allow the DAQ Assistant to do some clean up before your program stops.
03-09-2015 09:24 AM
Check out this:
And this: