06-21-2006 10:57 AM - edited 06-21-2006 10:57 AM
Message Edited by dbtestcon on 06-21-2006 10:58 AM
06-22-2006 05:16 PM
Hello dbtestcon,
The behavior you are describing is very strange. The fact that your
application gets these unstable readings for 20 seconds every 3min58seconds
(and that this time is based on your loop rate) makes me believe it is
a software problem. Have you been able to replicate this problem without
using your existing code? If you use shipping example or Test Panels in
Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX), are you able to see the same 20
second drift?
Are you able to replicate this in a smaller/simpler application, or is it
limited to your current application.
Also, I did not completely understand what you meant by "I've tried it on different AI channels and get the same response.
Only 1 channel however displays the problem (green/white) and follows a particular
cable/load cell." Does this mean that only one load cell has a
problem, and that this load cell only has the problem when connected to a
specific channel? If you connect another load cells to the problem
channel do they work fine? Or by same response did you mean that all channels give you this same unstable reading for this one load cell?
Jesse O.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
06-22-2006 10:52 PM
Sorry that wasn't clear.... When I move the loadcell and cable to other AI channels (I tried 1,2,3,4, etc) it was still a problem. I've tried other loadcells and cables and the problem seems to float around.
We switched back to the SCXI setup and it worked perfectly with no drift or oscillating problems. Why would my code work fine on an SCXI chassis and not on a PCI card? This makes me think hardware. I'm going to try another PCI card and see if the problem still exists.
06-23-2006 04:01 PM