05-25-2016 12:35 PM
I have a vi. controlling 4 cameras to capture images simultaneously. It used to work before perfectly. However, recently, it randomly generates the undefined error:
Error-1074360261 occurred at IMAQdx Close Camera.vi.
Sometimes it runs well, but sometimes it generates this error. I have to clue how it comes from. I'm using pointgrey USB3 cameras with NI driver. The cameras and computer are the same always. I've restarted computer and updated the newest NI VISA 15.5, which didn't work. The only change I can think of at the time is that the operating system on the computer was automatically updated to Win 10 5 days agao (It was Windows 7 before). And error popped up after the update of operating system. If so, are there any other addtional updates I need to make for Labview?
I attached the error and the code here. The code is only half of the complete script, but the other half is exactly the same as this one.
ANY advice is welcomed! Thank you!
05-26-2016 01:03 AM
05-26-2016 01:10 PM
I'm using the NI-IMAQdx vision USB 3 vision device driver. I just update the NI vision acquisition software to Feb-2016 version. However, when I run the script, it gave me another error whoen here. Does that mean I have some issues in the Win 10 operating system?
05-26-2016 01:35 PM
05-26-2016 02:06 PM
Yes. This is the screenshot of the device manager.
05-26-2016 02:26 PM
05-26-2016 02:43 PM
Thank you for helps!
The NI MAC can detect all the cameras here. I'm worried about if this is the issue caused by the update of the computer operating system, since this error has never been generated before. The error only occured in the camera close. vi.
I've attached a figure of the codes in the original post.
05-26-2016 03:00 PM
05-26-2016 10:12 PM
05-27-2016 01:22 PM
I found that win 10 isn't compile with some drivers I have to use, so I just rolled the computer back to win 7. All the other issues of drivers were cleaned after that. However the issue with the IMAQdx comes more. Now, I can see all the cameras recognized in NI MAX, but when I tried to get the signal from the camera. I have this followling error:
I think this should be the issue of one module in Labview, but I'm not sure which one I should start to check and update.