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IMAQ Match Multiple Geometric Patterns Error

Hi, I'm trying to match different types of patterns in an image. I'm pretty sure that the problem are my NOT my templates but with the "main" image. I have one image it works on and another it don't work on. Both are .png. Can someone help me?


The goal is to have a web cam take pictures to search for matching pattern. That I know how to do but the image from the web cam won't work. That is why I have changed it so it only loads one image to search for patterns



I think that the reason one image woks is because that is a valid template also.. That other image that don't work is taken from the web cam via vision acqusition.


And the templates work in another vi. that I have that only loads one template and search for only one pattern. I need to have multiple templates to cover all shapes.


Please help me.. What type of image should go to the image input of "IMAQ Match Multiple Geometric Patterns"?



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Message 1 of 5

Main image in zipped folder

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Message 2 of 5

some thing is wrong here you want use pattern matching template with multiple geometry learning vi?
it is impossible to work 

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Message 3 of 5

Why is that?

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Message 4 of 5
I could not open your vi because my labview version is 2014
but there is some kind of matching in labview
1 pattern matching
2 geometry matching
4 Multiple Geometric matching
5 golden matching
6 object tracking
all of them have two part
template matching
learning matching
you could not use template matching of one of the above method with other method learning part
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