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I have been using "Extract Contour" module, but I am getting an error "Too many curves in ROI". I want to know the number of curves for which this error is being generated.


Thanks in advance

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Message 1 of 3

Hello c.sreekrishna16,


Are you using the IMAQ Extract Contour VI in LabVIEW? What is the exact error code returned? Are you able to post your images and an example VI with your settings that recreate the error? This would help us recreate the exact behavior you have questions about.


The IMAQ Extract Contour VI identifies several curves and then tries to combine them into a single contour. A series of parameters define which curves are considered part of the same contour. You can read more about Contour Analysis in the Vision Concept Help found here:


I recommend increasing the minimum length, search step size, and edge filter size to reduce the number of detected curves. People often to think lowering these values will increase the accuracy of the contour analysis but that is not always the case.

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Message 2 of 3
use some thereshoulding make binary image and also remove small particle
increase your minimum length search step size, and edge filter size as Dear Earl_of_Lemong… indicate and also use contour tracing change strategy to search in advance mode and .... will be help you but you have to test one by one and check result to do not miss data that you want
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Message 3 of 3