i use win2k, labwindows CVI 7.0, and MAX 3.1.1
I want to realize multiple analog géneration and measurements.
I use the CArd PXI 6713 for the generation and PXI 6031 for the measurements.
In this way, i create two daqmx task with MAX, one for the two input channels, and an other for the two output channels.
Physically, i connect AI0 on AO0 and AI1 on AO1.
When i use the fénération task with MAX, i read the good values with CVI using the reception task (check with oscilloscope)
But, i can't succeed to read when i use the generation task with CVI, my programme doesn't work, and i can't find the error.
i think my buffer is not well defined but i did not find any exemple.
Does anybody could help me? (reading my code or send me an exemple)