09-28-2022 02:03 PM
I really don't know where to begin with test automation. I'm not really willing to pour hundreds of dollars into test equipment in my tiny apartment to learn it, and I am only a RF Technician at my job, they won't let me have the ability to see the code at work unfortunally. (My company is very restrictive when it comes to it's proprietary information) My only way of going about it is to try to learn CVI at home. Is this really possible without a lab?
09-28-2022 02:20 PM
You can learn all the theoretical information on your own, but the actual fun part is actually implementing it.
I understand you have the equipment already at work, so if you can find time, maybe work some voluntary overtime and try stuff.
But you need to make sure you do not harm the equipment.
Without the real equipment it will never go beyond a certain level. You can use the eval period to start with the basics of CVI and then further your skills at work, if you can find time.
09-28-2022 03:23 PM
You can also use simulated instrument features of certain instrument drivers to even try some level of automation (typically supported by NI instruments and some IVI instruments not other rack & stack instruments from Keithley, Keysight, Tektronix etc.,)