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write to measurement file refuses to save

Hi, I am currently develloping a reactor that needs to log temprature ans other parameters.

I am at the early stages of the devellopmen. For the temperature we are using analog inputs that are convertedto a digital signal by a Cole-Parmer A/D convertor. I need to log this signal and therefore I am trying to use the Write to measurement file VI. But when i run the program the VI refuses to save my data in a lvm. file

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Message 1 of 5

Are you saving the file in a directory you don't have access rights to?


How does it "refuse to save"?  Are you getting an error message?


Right now you are only trying to save a single value to the file since you are passing a scalar value out of the loop when the loop ends.

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Message 2 of 5

i'm not getting any error messages, but i've put an indicator that indicates if the VI's saves and it's off. I tried it whit the signal simulator and it worked just fine so i think it has something to do with the scalor value or me putting the VI outside the while loop


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Message 3 of 5

In your code, saving happens once the loop stops. That's dataflow. If you want to continuoulsly save during execution of the loop, the "save" code belongs inside the loop.

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Message 4 of 5

Thanks, that was the solution!

Sorry for bothering you guys with this simpel problem.

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Message 5 of 5