11-11-2006 11:11 AM
11-11-2006 01:26 PM
11-11-2006 05:34 PM
This is a very simple example, all that is on the panel is a thermometer-style numeric indicator and a Stop button.
No subpanels, tabs, etc.
I am viewing it on the development PC, so it has the RTE. (The development PC can connect to the remote panel from the LV environment).
11-13-2006 11:22 AM
11-13-2006 08:10 PM
The ZoneLabs firewall integrates with XP and takes the place of XP firewall - if I look at XP firewall it is off.
I tried another computer with no firewalls, and even connected through a dumb mini-hub, nothing else on the network. I had to install LV8.2 runtime on this one
since it did not have LV at all.
Again, I can use and browse the file system on the cFP-2120.
I can view the sample web pages that came already stored on the cFP-2120 (which have just text and images).
I can bring up the web page that is supposed to contain the remote panel (generated by the web connection wizard originally).. and it looks like it will load,
shows 0% of 0 bytes.. but then gives an error after 10 or 20 seconds.
Also, keep in mind that on my development computer I can use LV's Operate/Connect to remote panel feature and see the remote panel and take control and use it,
so I know the VI is running.
The web server is clearly enabled also.
Something is just going wrong with loading a remote panel in the web interface...
The cFP-2120 did get updated with all the latest software versions so it has the same LV version, 8.2 realtime.
11-14-2006 12:38 PM
11-14-2006 03:11 PM
thanks... yes i do have * for all the access lists. I also tried specifically naming the VI I want to view under "visible VIs".
Since I can view text/image web pages hosted by the cFP controller, I know the server is allowing me access.
I also find that if I build a web page with embedded VI but I change the property to refer to a nonsense VI name that is not in the system,
I get a sensible message in the browser that says that the VI is not loaded into memory.
So I think it is getting past all that, knows that the VI is there and is trying to load it as a remote panel, but it fails. I certainly wish the
error message had more detail than "Fatal error...".
Has anyone else been trying this with LV version 8.2 and cFP? Any chance it is a problem with 8.2?
I did find already that I needed to download new FieldPoint drivers (later than the one on the CD in the cFP box) in order to get cFP to talk
to LV8.2 at all. Maybe still a problem with the remote panel browser plug-in for 8.2?
11-15-2006 01:55 PM
11-16-2006 09:02 PM
Latest experiment... I started fresh with LV 8.2 and used the "New real-time project" wizard.
I created a project with the simplest possible options - no deterministic components, one loop, remote panel interface.
I can deploy it and run it.
I can connect to the remote panel using Operate / Connect to remote panel within LV.
I copied the generated HTML file into the \ni-rt\system\www folder on the cFP unit using FTP.
When I open that page from the cFP by double clicking I get the same problem - the page starts out OK but never loads and gives that error.
(I tried putting the web page in the root folder too and setting it up to have the web root be the root and no change).
I have attached a ZIP of the whole project, but it is ALL auto-generated by LV.
Here are versions of all the software - maybe something else needs updating?
In the cFP-2120:
DataSocket for LabVIEW real-time 4.4
FieldPoint Drivers 5.2.0
FieldPoint VI Manager 4.1.0
LabVIEW Real-Time 8.2
NI-IrDA RT 1.0.2
NI-Serial RT 3.1.0
NI-Watchdog 2.1.5
If I go to Add/Remove software for the cFP in MAX, all the versions match the latest I have on my computer.
11-17-2006 02:38 PM