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property node

I want to use the same chart to display two different figures when the
program is running, so I create a Local Variable of the indicator.

My problem is that the two figures have different property node settings,
but since I used the Local Variable, it seems that the settings of the
property node will always be the terminal, when the Local Variable runs, it
doesn't change.

Is there any method to solve this problem. My front panel is already very
large, I don't want to add another figure on it.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

Properties of the chart change when you tell them to change, not based on the input. Right before you begin to update the chart with the Local data, reset the properties. I strongly recommend encapsulating the settings in a subVI and using references. This way, you can set the properties very easily, and change them back.

Good luck
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5
what you want to do is to simply create a duplicate scale chart or graph, here is the URL for the document that addresses this issue. I include the example program from that document with this reply.

XD Gao
Application Engineer,
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5
> I want to use the same chart to display two different figures when the
> program is running, so I create a Local Variable of the indicator.

What you want to do is to bundle the values together and update the
chart with the new points together. The local variable doesn't specify
which plot to update and isn't going to work the way you want.

Greg McKaskle
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5
I have a similar situation. I use a boolean switch that allows the user to choose which chart to view. Then, wire that boolean to a Case. Here you have 2 options you could implement:
1.) Use 1 chart only (as you stated above), and have each Case contain the applicable property settings for that chart chosen.
2.) Use 2 charts, which have all their properties preset, and the Cases simply hide the other chart and unhide (make visible) the selected chart.

Good luck with it, Doug
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Message 5 of 5