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programmation sur Labview

Bonjour je rencontre des difficultés à réaliser le TP ci-joint. J'ai besoin d'aide s'il vous plait c'est urgent

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Obviously, we don't do your homework. So far you have not even touched anything on the template. If you paid attention in class, this should be easy to do. If you cannot, programming is not for you and the right thing would be to fail the class.


Of course we are here to help! Once you put some effort into this and get stuck, you can ask very specific questions and we will try to help.


One thing you should do first is use a smaller font for the instructions on the front panel, currently the last paragraph is cut off.


Here is the translation of the instructions:


GBF (low frequency generator)

Intent: frequency generation from an initial frequency and a frequency step and by progressive comparison to a final frequency, by building a program whose elements are already given (on the front panel and in the diagram)

Reminder: execution of the program with the arrow in the menu bar; "full" arrow: no errors, broken arrow: errors


1-Without loop: do the sum Finitial+step dF (by displaying the result) and the test showing if the result is greater than or equal to Ffinal (by displaying the value of the boolean test, true or false); experiment with different values

2-Convert the numerical result into a string, add the term FREQ and display the final result (in a string therefore)

3- With loop Tq 1: repeat the previous implementation but this time in a progressive process showing the evolution of the frequency, starting from Finitial to Ffinal, with loop 1. This stops automatically when the result of the Boolean test (described in phase 1) is true.
**If we place the final display of the values ​​outside the loop, what do we observe?

4- With loop Tq 2: in phase 3, frequency generation loop 1 is launched instantly upon execution of the program; here, its launch (without modifying it) is done on command of the user by adding and using loop 2 and relying on the property of the "While" loop observed previously in 3**. Unlike loop 1 for which the stop is automated by the test at the operations level, the stop of loop 2 is subject to the user's action by pressing a button

Tools: commands-indicators (numeric, Boolean), operators, comparator, conversion function, concatenation function, time function, "while" loop


-Clearly define the objective and the tasks to be performed
-Front panel: define the inputs (commands) and the outputs (indicators)
*identify the input terminals associated with the commands on the front panel and the output terminals for the indicators, that is, establish the correspondence between the user interface (front panel) and the diagram.
*structure the diagram by grouping the objects according to their roles and the link between them and by placing the operations or tasks between the commands and indicators
-Do not hesitate to use "contextual help", to display the tool palette


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