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overshoot range calculate

Now this is quite challenging task. I want to find out the range starting at the end of rising or falling edge and ending 100 points from the starting point. So basically I need  to find the starting point.
The problem is better explained in the attached VI.
Please if anyone can help. That would be great.
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Message 1 of 5

Can you explain your question better?



Software developer

Message 2 of 5
Is that 100 data points, 100 microseconds, or 100 of something else. You can always use the Array Subset function and if you have an array start point you can wire an array length into it.  It will return the array subset you wanted, and from there you can play around with the Y values, or get what you need off them.

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Message 3 of 5
these are 1000 data points. i know i can get the sub array but I want to find the range automatically. It only happens just after the rising or falling edge. It should be therefore possible to find the rising or falling edge I guess.

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Message 4 of 5
There is a VI (not available in the LabVIEW Base package) called Basic Level Trigger Detection. It's in a subpalette of the Waveforms functions palette under Analog Waveform >> Waveform Measurements >> Waveform Monitoring. Try it out and see if it does what you want.
Jarrod S.
National Instruments
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Message 5 of 5