When you have the one instrument connected try using a basic VISA GPIB call to see if it talks. This will narrow it down, from possible conflicts with the other instruments. When you say 8 instruments in a PXI, they aren't GPIB, right? What is your configuration? A PXI GPIB controller, 7 GPIB instruments and 1 "HP-IB" old instrument? If you can do a screen capture of the "GHOSTING" and post it here (.jpg or png, NOT .bmp!) it might help us understand what you are seeing.
The attached is a basic visa gpib call, with your adr 23 as default. Try it with the ID? command first. I didn't find a driver in the NI site for this instrument, found one for the 5384, roughly the same vintage. It has a very basic command structure, the query for its ID is simply ID, with no "?".
Putnam Monroe
North Shore Technology, Inc.
PutnamCertified LabVIEW Developer
Senior Test Engineer North Shore Technology, Inc.
Currently using LV 2012-LabVIEW 2018, RT8.5
LabVIEW Champion