My CCD is saving image as .fits format, a format quite popular among astronomer (I am not an astronomer though). I believe that it saves as 16 bits unsigned data.
I have to do some array manupulation. I believe that since ccd saves array as binary, I may have to do the following steps:
(1) Convert binary array to floating point array.
(2) Do the array manupulation for floating point arrays:
C(ij)=A(ij)*B(ij)--> not matrix multiplication, just corresponding element multiplication.
(3) Find out C_max, C_min of flaoting point array.
(4) Rescale the array C.
(5)Storing procedure: Changing header, converting C back to binary arrays.
Well, I must say that I do not know much about header in a particular format and how you can access it and change it etc..?
Also I was curious if I can do the matrix multiplication directly (not the one I have talked about before) without using loops.
Dushyant Kumar