I'm trying to read 4 digital gages using the Gage-Mux. The way you read a gage is to write R followed by the port numbers 01,02,03,04 (ex. R01 reads gage connected to port 1). In the example sketch, I made a flipflop circuit to swap the input going into the VISA Write Buffer terminal, this lets me get two of the reading from R01 and R01. What I'm trying to get it to do is send all four of the commands either at one time, if possible, and get 4 readings out or send each of the commands one after another with a delay in between to read the values. How would I go about doing this?
I've tried:
Case structure, but I couldn't figure out how to change cases periodically.
Duplicating the entire sketch and trying to run them at the same time, but it gives an error, something along the lines of "VISA resource in use"